The meeting began at 7:00 pm with 12 people in attendance and Keith Dougan presiding with all officers present Keith began by introducing Josh Hurlbert, a representative from Congressman Sam Graves's office, and we had a discussion about the current situation with bees. One of the questions Dorene had originally brought up was the declaration of the tall sweet clover as an invasive species when it is one of the best plants for bees. Hurlbert had already done some initial investigation into that and listened to other concerns. He talked with us for about a half hour.
After the discussion we moved ahead and set the date of February 6,2014, at 7:00 pm at the Votech center as our next meeting.
We then began planning ahead for the Beekeeping 101 class offered through the college on January 11 for that following Saturday.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Dates To Remember:
February 6th 2014 7:00 pm -February Meeting
February 8th 2014 2:00 pm- Advanced Beekeeping Class